Our Projects

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Geotechnical, Construction Materials



South Bend, IN

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The 87 Off-Campus Apartments

Located at the east edge of the University of Notre Dame campus, the Campus View apartments were redeveloped by Toll Brothers. The team demolished the original 193-unit complex from the 1960’s to build The 87, the new 328-unit, $100 million complex.

SME’s geotechnical team’s borings encountered very loose sands across the site at depths up to to 18 feet below the ground. This introduced a challenge for the high design loads of the parking garage and residence structures. The options of undercutting and replacing the soil or digging a deep foundation system would exponentially increase costs.

SME recommended a practical ground improvement method consisting of vibratory stone columns. This alternative provided suitable support for the parking garage, building foundations, and floor slabs. Under this recommendation, the team constructed conventional spread foundations and floor slabs at typical bearing levels, increasing the design bearing pressure for the existing soil.

SME also tested field infiltration to demonstrate that the soil met the city of South Bend’s groundwater standards.

Additionally, due to the close proximity of the complex to existing neighboring structures/tenants, SME recorded vibrations generated during the vibratory stone columns installation. We also performed a baseline condition assessment utilizing an aerial drone to record and document the existing condition of nearby structures.

Toll Brothers also retained SME’s construction materials team to provide ongoing support. We provided observation and testing of the vibratory stone columns, foundations, floor slabs, concrete, engineered fill, structural steel, masonry, and fire proofing inspection.

Now known as The 87, the off-campus apartment community features 810 beds and began offering housing to students in August 2024. Units offer modern furniture, upscale appliances, garage parking, and gorgeous common spaces for studying, socializing, fitness, and entertainment. SME was happy to partner with the Toll Brothers on this project, which is of a piece with their efforts around the country to improve the quality and quantity of student housing.