SME has provided Construction Engineering Inspection and Testing on numerous projects for local agencies and private sector clients. Our team is knowledgeable, supports MDOT funded projects, and is qualified to provide inspection and testing for roadway and bridge projects, fabrications shop inspection services, and assistance with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permitting requirements.
Our staff are well-trained, knowledgeable, and hold the required MDOT certifications for construction testing and inspections. They continuously attend MDOT-recognized training to stay current with requirements and obtain MDOT certifications. Our team has extensive experience in density testing, concrete testing, Hot Mix Asphalt testing, and our full-service, state-of-the-art, in-house laboratories provide testing of aggregate, soil, concrete, and Hot Mix Asphalt.

SME’s Construction Engineering Inspection team is MDOT prequalified in:
- Construction Engineering: Roadway
- Construction Engineering: Roadway – Local Agency
- Construction Engineering: Bridges and Ancillary Structures
- Construction Engineering Assistance
- Construction Services: Office Technician
- Construction Inspection: Roadway
- Construction Inspection: Bridges and Ancillary Structures
- Construction Inspection: Bridge Painting
- Construction Inspection: Traffic and Safety
- Construction Inspection: HMA Pavement
- Construction Testing: Concrete
- Construction Testing: Density
- Construction Testing: Aggregates
- Construction Testing: HMA
- Construction Testing: HMA Assistance
- Hot-Mix Asphalt Plant Inspection and Testing
- Environmental: Contamination
- Design – Geotechnical
- Design – Geotechnical: Advanced